Yes, because of his
-regressive anti-social policies (e.g. trying to bring in the end to abortion through the back door)
-his destruction any federal agency that supplies statistics which might challenge his ideological approach to social policy (StatsCan and now some other lesser known agencies)
-his encouraging of immigrants from repressive countries (China for e.g.) to vote Conservative because he will pass laws that make them feel at home (mandatory minimums and monster prisons now; the death penalty later) in order to get them voting Conservative (Why leave China if all Harper can do it change Canada into a Chinese province?)
-his general pandering to every immigrant group along with lots of apologies (which cannot be sincere) to get that extra 2% (from the 905) to stay in power for ever
-criminalizing internet users while ending the long gun registry
Oh, I can go on and on.
On the bright side, the 2012 Budget was one any Liberal government could be proud of. Too bad we can't have liberal social policies any more.
My real hope is that Thomas Mulcair will move the NDP to the centre and give us a new liberal party minus the actual liberal dinosaurs running the 3rd party. I want fiscally conservative, socially liberal government. The Cons are too right-right and the current NDP is too left-left. The old Liberals occupied the right-left area and that is where more than 60% of Canadians feel comfortable. As a life-long Liberal voter, I went NDP last time because I'm fed up with the current Liberal Party. But kicking the bums out doesn't mean I've suddenly moved to the right and now support Harper et al. I just want new blood in the centre left. I am confident that by the next election the Liberal Democratic Party or whatever Mulchair is able to come up with will reflect my political philosophy. In meantime, thousands of young people will be going to prision for mandatory minimums for smoking a plant! This is not my Canada; my Canada is not Texas!
As for digging stuff up out of the ground or just chopping it down and shippling it raw to China or the US and therefore giving the good jobs to them, couldn't we do some processing in Canada? We don't make stuff in Ontario anymore: 'free' trade and the petro-dollar killed manufacturing here. So is our whole economy just based on logs, oil and potash while they last? The countries that make stuff are the stong ones: China, Taiwan, Japan, Germany, and emerging countries like Brazil.