2012-08-26 02:42:10 UTC
I don't get what to me is "the North American hypocrite mentality". No offense but I don't get where you people draw the line so at least to me it looks very hypocritical. In my country of origin, I can speak up and make TRUE remarks about any and all races as freely as I want and not be branded a racist. It doesn't phase me one bit if North Americans (USA, Canada) think I am racist because I don't buy into their bullshit of tiptoing around their feelings. I wasn't put on Earth to lie and babysit anyone just the same that I expect the truth from others and not babysit me. (Ex: there's plenty of nonsense with the people I come from & I acknowledge it instead of denying. But there's also the overt USA attacks of yanks against my people filled with fallacies and untruths and I put them back in their place by responding with pointing out TRUE flaws of their people/culture).
NOW! For my question: Why isn't Russell Peters arrested for hate speech? And more important: why isn't HIS AUDIENCE arrested for RACIST LAUGHTER? Yes I know: you can't go to jail for laughing! Yet he spews out what N. Americans (yes, I mean you Canadians) consider racist, and if you laugh at it, you are AGREEING with the "racist" statements therefore YOU ARE A RACIST TOO. Are you not?!
So let's say I am a White person living in Canada and I made a joke about Indians the way he does because I am purely stating facts, so far as you people have told me, I would get arrested for "hate speech". But he can because he is Indian, evidently everyone is clueless as to self-racism (I forget the exact terminology of one who is racist against their own race and/or ethnicity) so he gets carte blanche. Fair enough; he also makes "racist" jokes about Koreans, Chinese and Blacks! Why is he not arrested for those??
Please note: I have no problems with Russel Peters, I find him very funny because he says everything I agree with and often say out loud myself to people to their faces. Funny how *most* Canadians would brand me a racist and yet they are laughing along with the racist Russel Peters jokes. Riddle me this Canadians, because I am clueless as to your sensitivities and laws. Either I'm not racist or you're all as "racist" as I am, eh??