I like the first answer best. Everyone knows that the rest of the world stereotypes Americans as obese, ignorant, uneducated, blindly patriotic, self-absorbed fools. Sorry, but for the vast majority of the US, it's true.
Ever seen the show "Talking to Americans"? Funny as hell, but also sad that so many Americans can be so gullible. I guess it makes it easy for political figures to gain followings they really should not have...
Most Americans probably have no idea that insulin (which saves millions of lives worldwide) was discovered in Canada, or that the telephone they use every day was invented by a Canadian (A.G. Bell).
Americans are the only 1st world country to not have some form of socialized healthcare, and you would not believe how bad it is in the US for those who cannot get/afford insurance. And yet they say, "I don't want a healthcare system like Canada", as American people are dropping dead left and right while Canada is ranked 3rd in the world for healthcare. Canada also scores high for education (top marks), not so much for the US (aside from Harvard, MIT, etc. which do not only accept Americans).
So why does your *typical* American know so little about Canada? Simple, they typically know very little about everything and anything.
All we need is another Michael Moore film convincing people that Canada is great...now we will have every American trying to infiltrate and pollute our beautiful country...
I dedicate this answer to all of the ignorant and disrepectful Americans who decided to answer this question showing their true colors...
Trust me, the last thing the US needs is to make more enemies...
P.S. "Every1"....Your country (USA) is Canada's biggest trading partner. If YOUR country is having a recession, then there is a good chance ours will follow suit. It's basic economics...
If there is a major terror attack (i.e. nuclear war) that affects our land, waters, or economy, we are affected as well. We share the same land mass, and our economy is closely linked. Why is this stuff not obvious to Americans?
Harryk...While you sound like a logical dude, your answer makes no sense. Because your major trading partner to the North is only 32 million people, you don't need to learn about them? You make it sound like Americans know basic info about Canada, but do they? I know that Oklahoma City and Tulsa are 2 of the largest cities in that state, but can you even name 1 city in the province of Saskatchewan? That was the point of the questioner, who is entirely correct.
Edit: JUST IN MY INBOX TODAY: Ok, the site is not scientific (really), but even AMERICANS know Americans are dumb! This newsletter is primarily FOR Americans!:
Big B, as much as I normally love your answers, I have to disagree. No, most Canadians DO NOT want to be like the US. That is why we did not fully commit to Iraq (we keep trying to pull out, because we're smart), draw attention towards ourselves for terrorist groups, kill innocent civillians, break up families, and basically make enemies with the world while causing a recession. The ego of the United States is going to be its demise. In Canada, we welcome people to *keep* their cultures, unlike the US, where everyone assimilates. It is this mindset that brainwashes people like you. And upsets those from other cultures. Can you blame them for being upset? The US has no business to try and assimilate the world. Aside from that, with it's gun crime and other issues, the US is not much of a role model.
We also don't want to abandon our top rate education, standard of living, and "free" equal healthcare for all.
What's the difference between God and the U.S.? God doesn't think he's the U.S.....
EDIT: Harryk, ironically, YOU have provided a smug answer. You are a typical self-serving American by "Googling" Saskatchewan and assuming I had to do the same for Oklaholma. I did not. I had to learn all 52 states as part of my grade 10 geography class. Can you say typical Americans even bother to learn the geography of Canada?
I am insulted that you think I am that stupid that I would have to do what you did....If you truly had to Google Saskatchewan, again, you have proved my point. And regardless, your orginal point made no sense...which was MY orginal point.
Morris...Thanks for posting an intelligent, rational, polite persepctive from an American. The U.S. needs more like you.
Harryk...hehe...yep, The U.S.A. has "52" states...the 48 continental, Hawaii and Alaska, plus the "expanded" States of "Canada" and "Mexico". As far as the US is concerned, they are all the same. Now you know that same feeling I get when I listen to ignorant Ameicans get their facts wrong. Interesting feeling of disbelief, huh? You sound like a cool guy, what are you doing living in the U.S. ? ;)
my2cents...Sorry, but I'm not really all that politically correct. I call it like I see it. Even Americans call Americans dumb..see my above link. And yes, most people outside of the U.S. (and some Americans) can't stand the current politics in your country. :(
All of that said, I'm not here to fight with anyone...I just wanted to prove my points, and say that I wish that typical Americans would bother to look outside the narrow constraints of their country. That's all.