I am not a Canadian. I was the average in-the-dark Southern American when it came to issues about the First Nations and Canada. Before I was a regular in Yahoo Answers, I had no clue just how many outright bigots to First Nations people there were in Canada. Most people typically think of the Southern U.S. as a hotbed of bigotry, but from what I've seen in Yahoo Answers time and again, and from people claiming to be educated professionals AND even law enforcement (whether they lie about who they are is another thing) too many displayed no hesitation or embarrassment to reveal they harbored ideas about the First Nation's peoples and what they 'deserved' that would have made Himmler grin; most bigots in the U.S. cloak it better. Himmler was Hitler's henchman and some believe he was even more evil than Hitler because he was the actual architect of the"Final Solution" and he modeled it upon the United States of America's plan of "Termination". That was decades before the U.S. redefined that term to mean something less genocidal.
I read your earlier identical question and arrived too late to answer. I rambled off a long rant railing against apathy and bigotry and sickening and sometimes conflicting stereotypes that do nothing but create smoke screens and aide the opprressor..and make no mistake..the multi-national corporations and their greedy henchmen depend upon apathy and people being too caught up with their own day to day difficulties to even take a glance at the bigger picture..to take a MOMENT to let their voice be heard to protect their rights ..because it will be yours next..that are eroded. And if you don't care about what happens to others then how the hell would you expect anyone else to care about what happens to you?
I wonder how some of these people sleep at night and then I realize they don't think there is a thing wrong with promoting horrifically ugly stereotypes because they still see you as inferior people those pseudoscientific notions of "race" really did a number on Western Civilization.
Open your eyes people..the First Nation's Peoples and the American Indian nations that still survive aren't just talking about past injustices..their rights are indeed trampled on all the time.
Countries do not make TREATIES with others if they are not legally considering them a self-governing entity with the legal status of another nation..If you don't like the way a legally recognized nation is caring for its land..then work with THEIR govering body..don't support an outside govt that should have no legal right to dictate to them what they do with their lands.
If they're trying to renig on the whole recognition of the other nation as an actual nation..that's another matter altogether and should not be kept hidden by the media.
There are so many horrific things going on in the world that either never make a headline or get lost on page 9c with misleading headings. I think for some people..it truly is just BURN OUT
too stressed with serious personal problems they just feel like they'll short circuit if asked to do something for yet another cause
that describes me some days
but I've learned that if I don't do what I can when I can..that's when I overload..
Apathy is not something I'll ever submit to however since I learned a long time ago
That only EMPOWERS the abusers
GO LOOK at her links..learn the facts..look at the evidence and THEN decide. Test. Question.
CHALLENGE..but get off your tuches and do SOMEthing
If you have the time and energy to blow insulting people in Yahell you can certainly find it to investigate to see if it is really true that your government is doing as charged.
From what I've seen over the past few years from my First Nation's and Indian friends online..I believe it..I've been slack jawed in astonishment saying WTH way too many times over the apathy on both sides of the border.