Canada is quite large...second largest country in the world to be exact. So there are plenty of places to visit. Leaving your question open like that makes it really difficult to give you a good answer because you haven't told us much about you and what you like.
If you are an indoors kind of person, then we would not be directing you to go to the Rockies, or in areas like Newfoundland or Yukon where there is just so much natural beauty to see outside. If you are a city person, we won't direct you to some little town in the Eastern Townships where you can look for antiques and home-made quilts. If you love wildlife and nature, we won't be pushing you to go check out the CN Tower in Toronto or spend time in Old Montreal.
Every region of Canada has something that we feel is unique to the area and might attract a different type of person. BC has the west coast weather, green areas, and the Rockies. Alberta also shares the Rockies as well as offering some taste of prairie life. Saskatchewan and Manitoba are flatter but there are plenty of places for canoeing, fishing, hiking, etc. Ontario has Niagara Falls, Ottawa's Parliament buildings and museums, and the wine region. Quebec has the French culture and cuisine, maple sugar camps, the Laurentian and Appalachian mountain chains. The Atlantic provinces have their Acadian culture, seafood, sea life, and a laid back lifestyle. And for the adventurous, we have the Yukon and other northern territories to experience the rugged life of the wild northern areas, whether it is a hunting or fishing trip, or panning for gold in a stream, or just grabbing some binoculars and studying the wildlife.
Canada is pretty much similar to other western countries in terms of common practices. Most people have breakfast, lunch, and supper. Times vary depending on where you live and how you grew up. My breakfast is usually between 7AM-9AM, lunch around noon, supper between 5PM-7PM.
We drive on the same side of the road as in USA. We have most of the same fast food chains (McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut) and department stores (Sears, Walmart). Our kids play in softball, soccer, football, or hockey leagues after school. We watch American TV shows like Simpsons or NCIS alongside our Canadian content of Flashpoint and Little Mosque on the Prairie. We have normal homes, even way up north. No one "lives" in igloos here...those were temporary nomadic shelters for the Inuit, but kids do build them here for fun in the winter. Many of us have dogs or cats as pets, no beavers or moose.
Your best bet for understanding Canada would be to go on to various websites or even YouTube and search for Canada related things like "Canada tourism" or "Canada attractions". If coming to visit us, decide what part of Canada you think would be interesting and research that area. Look for events that may be happening at certain times of the year.