Here in Canada, you will find pretty much every form of "visible minority"(argh, I hate that term) there is. I think immigrants mostly decide to live in larger cities, as assimilation will be easier, when surrounded by other immigrants, which is why smaller towns and villages do not have large "visible minority" populations. But they are still here. and still treated equally.
Yes, a good majority of Canadians celebrate Christmas, although it is a much more secularized version of it, as we have so many people from so many different cultural backgrounds.
The main differences between Canada and the US is we are on the forefront of upholding equal human rights for all here. Homosexuals are free to marry here, marry, not get a "civil" union. Abortion is free, on demand and not subject to parental approval. Health care is provided through our tax dollars, and no one is ever denied medically necessary treatments. We have higher taxes, but a much higher quality of life. More preventative medicines and therapies. Canadians, on average, live longer than americans. We are rated fourth best country in the world to live in, coming in after Iceland, Australia and Sweden. Our education system has been rated superior. Our society is a more secular one, with a great separation of religion and government, law, schooling, anything public. Our people are generally warm, friendly and inviting. We will bend over backwards to help someone in need. We have all the same freedoms afforded americans, and more so. However, the general public is not allowed to carry a hand gun here, we have no "right to bear arms" nor do we need one. Canada has a significantly lower crime rate when comparing cities of likewise populations. And of course, my favourite thing about Canada, is our four, beautiful seasons..
Just a few things, off the top of my head.