For 3 years, ( 2004 to 2007 ) during the summer "tourist season " I worked as a tour bus guide in Toronto, on double decker English style buses.
Five days a week, for 10 hours a day, I TRIED to give a interesting and informative commentary, as the bus did a 3 hour tour of central Toronto. I say that I "tried " as it was just about impossible to make myself heard, over the non stop talking of the Americans on the bus. On more than a couple of occasions I had other passengers stand up and say " for gods sake be quiet " at the Yanks. Dumb silence followed, as they were totally unaware of just how "loud " they were.
As a part of my job, I encouraged my passengers to ask me questions about Toronto, or Ontario, or all of Canada, for fun. YIKES the level of ignorance was astounding.
How about these TRUE questions from American tourists in Toronto....
Where can we see the polar bears? At the Toronto Zoo......
How come you don't have any churches here ? As we are passing St James Cathedral, with its 300 foot tall spire ......
Why are so many of the cops women ? We think that is just a great idea, as the general population is also half women, right ?
How come you don't speak French ? I'm unilingual , like most Americans, right ?
And my favourite as we are driving down lakeshore boulevard......, and remember this is in Toronto........
Is that the Pacific Ocean ?
The only saving grace was that I worked hard for tips and it was a bad day if I didin't go home with over 400 in my pocket, in Loonies .
My last 2 minutes of the tour consisted of my pitch about being so poorly paid. In fact I was getting 12 an hour, cash, but I wasn't telling them that...(grin )
I would still be doing that job but my knees couldn't take the constant up and down the stairs, every time that people got on or off the bus, as I had to be at the bottom of the stairs, in case some body fell down. I was there to break their fall. groan.........
Jim b. Toronto.